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Brownie Book Club

What do Brownies like to do for fun? READ! That’s what we found out at our Annual Brownie Book Club meeting this year. We invited a special guest, retired librarian Dayle Cushen, to discuss her career and thoughts about books with us and enjoy a cup of tea!

Each Brownie was asked to bring a book that they wanted to share with the group.  We began our meeting with welcoming our guest and asking Dayle about her job as a librarian. Dayle then spoke about her FAVOURITE book, Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingles Wilder. The Brownies then shared about their book and why they enjoyed reading it. Dayle brought all sorts of books from her local library. There were graphic novels, comics, travel, non-fiction books, how-to  crafting books, and more.

Dayle’s message was “If you don’t like reading, you just haven’t found the right book yet!”  She encouraged the girls to try different varieties of books and not to waste time on ones you don’t like. Just move on to the next book on your list!

We then had a small snack and some “tea” and browsed through all the books that the girls brought to share. They then got a list to take home of recommendations from Dayle. Another tip: Don’t stick to the age listed on the book; often even adults can enjoy a picture book now and then! We read together The Day the Crayons Quit, by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers and the girls and leaders loved it!

Thanks so much for sharing your love of reading with us Dayle.

By guest blogger Sharon Lamb, Guider Tawny Owl with the 7th Ste. Genevieve Brownies in Quebec.


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