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The Crafty Cluttered Guider

Brownies with Box
Brownies with Box

I’ve been a Brownie leader for nearly 10 years, and for almost every one of those 10 years, I have been “blessed” with craft supplies. Not supplies that I’ve bought, but supplies that have been donated to me. I have received everything from bits and pieces of yarn and brown craft paper to googly eyes and pompoms. And we keep it! Even though we don’t have the faintest idea what to do with it, we keep it, thinking that one day we’ll be hit with an inspirational lightning bolt, and it will all come together into a masterpiece worthy of the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario). I have a dedicated area for my craft supplies. I know other Guiders who have entire rooms filled with crafty items, but enough is enough. Let’s get realistic and either fish or cut bait. It’s time to clear out the clutter.

I still have Christmas tree ornaments that I made as a Guide that I hang proudly each year. However, more often than not, we are merely creating clutter, rather than using our crafts for creative uses. I don’t want my Brownies to make “so-so” crafts that are kept only because “Susie made it.” As a Professional Organizer, I go into many homes where I ask someone “what purpose does this serve?”, only to get the response “I know it’s falling apart, and I couldn’t tell you what it is, but she spent so much time on it!”

Don’t get me wrong. I believe that crafts are an essential part of the Girl Guide experience, but let’s give crafts a purpose! There are many great craft ideas out there that are functional. I have gathered a collection of some of my favourites on Pinterest*. The best craft ideas out there, in my humble opinion, are the upcycled crafts that serve a purpose. I love crafts that repurpose an item into something fresh and useful. Don’t create more clutter. Take what you have and modify it into something useful!

Liz Voce. Photo credit: Takeshi Ochiai.

And if it’s just not going to happen, let it go. You’ll feel much better!

Happy Clutter Free Crafting!

By guest blogger Liz Voce. Liz is a Professional Organizer in the Toronto area. She stays busy (but very organized) running her company Sort It. Read others posts she’s written for GirlGuidesCANblog, including: Guiding Someone Through “Collecting” Versus “Hoarding”, and Thrills, Chills and Spills.

* Girl Guides of Canada -Guides du Canada is also on Pinterest.

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