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Special Post for GGC Fathers on Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day and we’ve heard lots of great stories about some supportive ‘GGC Dads’. Check out these brief stories showing the various roles fathers can play in a girl or adult Member’s life! Did your dad or partner help in a special way?

Dad #1: Ultra-Dad by Jennifer Whidden/Prairieknitwit

Hello! I wanted to tell you the story of my Girl Guide Dad.

I grew up in the 80s and 90s and Girl Guiding was a big part of my life. My
parents were equally supportive and helpful (mom had to iron my Brownie and
Girl Guide dresses every week to pass inspection!) But, my mom worked full-time
shifts in a nursing home so there were many occasions where my dad had to step
up to the plate.

He never batted an eye as the only Dad at Mother-Daughter banquets and everyone
gobbled up the bucket of chicken he usually brought. He was always there to
drive me and my friends around on Girl Guide Cookie Day and we always stopped
for ice cream cones after we finished our route. (Mine was a very popular car
to hop into on that day!)

Dad taught me important skills like how to drive a standard transmission, how
to change a tire and how to communicate in Morse Code.  All valuable Guiding skills! He knew as many knots as my leaders did. I wish I could roll a sleeping bag as tightly as he can!

When I moved up the ranks from Pathfinder to Junior Leader to Assistant Girl
Guide leader Mom and Dad were still there for me. They opened up their house
and their acreage so my girls could play wide games in their orchard with
flashlights after dark. Dad would build a campfire for us outside and put a pot
of coffee on in the house for the girls’ parents.

After seeing this written out, it doesn’t seem like much, but having my Dad’s
support through Guiding was a big part of my success in the organization. I am
now a Sparks Guider (go 4th Brandon!) and I can now appreciate how important it is to have a supportive family behind each of my own girls.

Thank you for reading my story!

Dad #2: Birdie Dad by Elaun Cable Lind a.k.a. Barn Owl

We recently completed our Woodworking Badges in the Key to I Can by building bird houses. We had a few fathers join moms, Rangers and leaders so every Brownie had an adult helper. I managed to capture this picture of Adele and her dad, Steve, hard at work (my favourite shot of the evening). Our dads are very supportive and we are thankful they are willing to come help their daughters (and sometimes their daughters shared them with other Brownies, too). Whether it is building birdhouses or dancing at our Valentine’s Family Dance our dads always join in the fun.


Edmonton Brownie w Dad Building Bird House. Photo Courtesy Elaun Cable Lind

Dad #3: BBQ Helper Dads by
Teresa Dominie, District Commissioner, Pasadena, Newfoundland

In our district, Pasadena, Newfoundland, we do a District-wide Advancement every year. We pick a theme, decorate, have a BBQ and celebrate with all our members. It gives the girls a chance to see all the other branches. Because the leaders are so busy trying to organize the celebration, it is difficult to cook. We look at the girls who may be receiving high honours like the Canada Cord or Ranger awards and ask their dads to come and be BBQ cooks for us. In that way the girl gets to have both parents present to see her receive awards. The dads cook and then stay to watch the proceedings.

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