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GGC’s 3rd Saskatoon Rangers Say ‘New York or Bust’!

UPDATE August 2011:

We’ve heard back from Guider Tammy from the 3rd Saskatoon Rangers. Here’s what she had to say about the Unit’s ‘New York or Bust’ campaign:

We have completed our campaign and are pleased to have collected 2192 new and gently used bras for donation to women’s shelters in Saskatoon and New York.  What outstanding support from the community!  All of the donations were checked for visible damage and overall wear.  1846 bras made the final cut.  As a group we have decided to package and send 1100 bras to New York and donate the remaining 746 here at home. We still have donations coming in and will continue to sort and deliver any additional donations to the YWCA Crisis Shelter as they are received.  The recipient of our donation in New York is the Volunteers of America who have organized an event for us on Wednesday August 17 at their executive offices in New York. We are working with our contact at the YWCA in Saskatoon to arrange a convenient time for delivery of our local donation. This has been a most rewarding project for us.  We are very pleased at the success and glad to be able to help women in less fortunate circumstances. 

We leave to New York on August 15 and return August 23rd. Thank you so much for posting the blog on our campaign.” — Tammy Sutherland, 3rd Saskatoon Rangers

This is the original post about the campaign, from March 2011.

The 3rd Saskatoon Rangers

When the girls of the 3rd Saskatoon Rangers head to New York this summer, they’ll be packing more than just their passports and travel guides. They’re also bringing along some comfort to women in crisis. The Rangers are collecting new and gently used bras to be donated to both Saskatoon’s Crisis Shelter and a shelter in New York City.

“Bras are not something a lot of people think to donate, but they are no less important than other clothing items,” says 16-year old Jessica Baxter-Jones. “For a woman in crisis, it could be the one thing that makes a bad situation just a little bit better.”

Adds fellow Ranger Alexa Wallace, “As a girl-centred  organization, Girl Guides is in a unique position to help provide these particular items of comfort to women in need and to raise awareness that such things are sometimes overlooked as important.”

The Rangers are hoping to collect 2,784 bras – one for every kilometer of the trip. And they’re well on their way, after a story about the girls’ trip appeared in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix brought in a flood of donations.

Saskatoon Rangers Jessica and Alexa

For girls like Alexa and Jessica, Rangers is all about shaping their own leadership and community involvement as they do the activities that help them achieve their own goals. Of course, it’s definitely a lot of fun with great friends, too.

“I stay in Guides because it is the only place where I feel completely at ease,” explains Jessica. “There is a confidence that comes with being around people you know and love, and with knowing that any conflict that arises can be handled. At Guides I know what I am doing, and I know that if anything unforeseen happens, there are 10 other girls to help me out. We are always laughing and joking, even when we are working hard.”

By Mary, GGC staff


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