Contact or Contribute

Members, volunteers, parents and girls! We welcome your comments,
tips and ideas. Let us know what’s going on in your community; share your resources and activity ideas; and tell us what Guiding means to you!

Pitch us your idea!

Prepare and submit a short paragraph explaining the main idea that you will present in your guest blog post. Try to match your post idea with our blog style, topics and audience, by reviewing some of our past guest posts. When considering a topic, think about the Guiding calendar or special days in the upcoming 2+ months. Once you submit a pitch, you will hear back from us within 1-2 weeks’ time. Please do not send in a completed article before receiving approval for your pitch! Don’t have an idea? Ask us for a list GGCblog (at)

Looking for other contact details?

Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada
50 Merton Street, Toronto ON M4S 1A3
(416) 487-5281
Email: GGCblog (at)

View on Google Map

Looking for contact information for a provincial or territory office?

View our provincial map with links to their sites.

Girl Guides is a catalyst for girls empowering girls. We provide a safe environment that invites girls to challenge themselves, to find their voice, meet new friends, have fun and make a difference in the world. Together, we’re building a better world, by girls.